Improving Your Faculty Facilities

From my point of view, compared to the rest of the faculties of the University of Chile, our veterinary medical career, located on the south campus, is a sad reality, because the percentage of funds that comes to our faculty is the mínimum in comparison to the faculties of medicine and economy. Therefore we haven’t access to many benefits to improve our facilities. In my opinion, one of the main things that need improvement is the cafeteria. Regarding this issue the first thing I would do would be to consult my colleagues through surveys what are your suggestions and ideas to establish a new system and then present them to our new dean.
If our faculty could implement a new cafeteria would have many benefits to students, doctors, and all persons who wish to eat there. If infrastructure is improved we could have a good attention, more rapid and orderly. We could choose to better healthy and nutritious meals, a varied menu with various options for desserts and drinks. If we can improve our diet we can improve our quality of life, and that's the best benefit that people can get. For the faculty the economic benefit would be higher, have more income achieved.
I think the next steps, is not only urge the authorities in seeking ways to improve the major shortcomings and urgent needs of university students.
Another recommendation to improve our faculty of veterinary medicine is to have a gym with all the necessary equipment in which various sports to develop professionally.
I hope that before graduating, I can enjoy the changes and improvements in my faculty.