The faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Chile began operations on April 12, 1928 with two faculties, faculty of agriculture and veterinary faculty, until April 20, 1938 that the University Council of the University of Chile, organized independently of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Its initiatives have raised important challenges in many topics, that even today remains critical to our development as future professionals.
The challenge with respect to technology is very important to us because every day we see more progress in laboratory equipment, diagnostic tests, or simply basic working material of a veterinarian. We must be ever vigilant to new developments in technology as it is an element that allows us to work in a better way, more effective and efficient. The challenge lies in learning to properly use the tools that we will reach. Fortunately, our faculty is an important development in this area. Science and technology are very close, and both are aimed to emphasize the social dimension, harmonious and optimal development of society depends largely on what the man himself made on the basis of science and technology, never be developed for the destruction of man.
The development of the veterinarian in social issues is paramount. Veterinarians are concerned with preventing and curing diseases and injuries of animals, but also help protect humans from the more than 100 animal diseases that can affect. The main challenge is to safeguard the prestige of the profession on the basis of an exemplary public and private conduct in all aspects of social and professional activity, ensuring the highest esteem of the community.
But the challenge we face in education is undoubtedly the most important. The subject of education is one of the main problems in our country, both in levels of basic education and higher education. Increasingly, those who graduate from this race, there is no control by the government to regularize the quantities of veterinary schools in our country, In recent years private universities have increased this number, giving the country a poor quality professionals. Taking as one of the main challenges the best option to stay in the country and then graduating with the highest quality professionals to provide the best services.

UN's 'IPCC for nature' to fight back against destruction of natural world

More than 80 governments of the world voted in a week-long conference in Busan, South Korea, for to set up a major new international body to spearhead the battle against the destruction of the natural world.
The Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), also dubbed "the IPCC for nature", will be modelled on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, which has been credited with driving global warming and climate change from a fringe scientific.
IPBES represents a major breakthrough in terms of organising a global response to the loss of living organisms and forests, freshwaters, coral reefs and other; will provide governments and policy makers across the world with independent and trusted scientific advice so that we can take action to protect the world's natural environment.
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, will produce regular assessments of the state of biodiversity at international, regional and "sub regional" levels, mirroring the IPCC's five-yearly global assessments of global warming and its impacts. It will also develop research and conservation in developing countries, stimulate research in areas not covered, and advise policy-makers, It will focus on "poverty alleviation, human well-being and sustainable development", said Professor Bob Watson, vice chair of IPBES.
"It will be up to all the parties, including science, international governance and the media, to make sure that such a development is open to scrutiny and effective in delivering the action needed of a problem which has disastrous consequences if not urgently addressed."

Improving Your Faculty Facilities

From my point of view, compared to the rest of the faculties of the University of Chile, our veterinary medical career, located on the south campus, is a sad reality, because the percentage of funds that comes to our faculty is the mínimum in comparison to the faculties of medicine and economy. Therefore we haven’t access to many benefits to improve our facilities. In my opinion, one of the main things that need improvement is the cafeteria. Regarding this issue the first thing I would do would be to consult my colleagues through surveys what are your suggestions and ideas to establish a new system and then present them to our new dean.
If our faculty could implement a new cafeteria would have many benefits to students, doctors, and all persons who wish to eat there. If infrastructure is improved we could have a good attention, more rapid and orderly. We could choose to better healthy and nutritious meals, a varied menu with various options for desserts and drinks. If we can improve our diet we can improve our quality of life, and that's the best benefit that people can get. For the faculty the economic benefit would be higher, have more income achieved.
I think the next steps, is not only urge the authorities in seeking ways to improve the major shortcomings and urgent needs of university students.
Another recommendation to improve our faculty of veterinary medicine is to have a gym with all the necessary equipment in which various sports to develop professionally.
I hope that before graduating, I can enjoy the changes and improvements in my faculty.